City Physiotherapy Neuro & Paraplegic Rehabilitation Center Pune


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Meet Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi our highly qualified Physiotherapist.

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Best Physiotherapist in Pune - Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi

Physiotherapist in Pune -
Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi

Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi is highly qualified Physiotherapist in Pune. He works in collaboration with his patients to help people to be healthy using exercise, and other techniques.

“City Physiotherapy & Neuro Rehabilitation Center & Paraplegic Home” is staffed with certified and skilled Physiotherapist in Pune. They are responsible for treating patients in wide-ranging physical conditions resulting from injury, illness, disability, and aging.

Our Physiotherapists are responsible for assessing the condition of the patients. They are also responsible for providing proper care that includes manual therapy, hydrotherapy, exercises and treatments using technological equipment like ultrasound and traction machines.

“City Physiotherapy & Neuro Rehabilitation Center & Paraplegic Home” the treatment for paralysis ,injuries resulting from sports will depend on the severity of the injury and depend on what part of the body is affected.

Physical Problems Treated In City Physiotherapy & Neuro Rehabilitation Center & Paralysis Home.

Best Neuro Rehabilitation Center in Pune | Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi

Neuro Rehabilitation


Neck Treatment

Orthopedic Rehabilitation Center in Pune | Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi

Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Paediatric Physiotherapy

Posture Correction

Book Your Appointment Today With Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi

The best place to receive fast and professional Physiotherapy services

    Certificate of Registration


    What is Physiotherapy?

    Physiotherapy is a type of treatment you may need when health problems, injuries or disabilities make it hard to move around and perform everyday tasks. The goal of physiotherapy is to make daily tasks and activities easier. For example, it may help with walking, going upstairs, or getting in and out of bed independently or with a little help. Physiotherapy can be defined as a treatment method that focuses on the science of movement and helps people to restore, maintain and maximize their physical strength, function, motion and overall well-being by addressing the underlying physical issues. Physiotherapists in Pune help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education, and advice. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.

    How can a physiotherapist help you?

    Your physiotherapist generally enquirers about your symptoms and routine activities. A treatment plan is then chalked out for you and is customization as your recovery proceeds. The goals are to help your joints move better and to restore or increase your flexibility, strength, endurance, coordination, and balance.

    The therapist will initially aim at reducing the pain and inflammation experienced by you. This can be done through techniques such as heat, cold, water, ultrasound or electrical stimulation. The treatment also incorporates exercises such as stretching, core exercises and walking. Based on your condition, your physiotherapist may also recommend a few more exercises to attain faster recovery.

    Communication is key for the treatment to proceed smoothly. “City physio” encourages regular communication with its patients in order to closely monitor their progress and customize the treatments.

    Is physiotherapy necessary (does it work)?

    It’s important to understand that physiotherapists dedicate their lives to the reduction of pain and the restoration of movement. The profession of physiotherapists pride themselves on basing their treatments on scientific, evidence-based practices. Physiotherapy is highly effective in treating a wide range of conditions without the use of invasive techniques or harmful pharmaceuticals.

    Is physiotherapy painful?

    Physiotherapy shouldn’t hurt and is completely safe. Physiotherapy often activates deep tissue, and it’s quite possible that there will be some soreness after a treatment session. Stretching and deep tissue work will often cause temporary soreness. It’s important to note that sometimes getting better requires some hard work.

