
Hemiplegia: Definition, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Hemiplegia, a condition characterized by paralysis on one side of the body, can be a life-altering challenge. This blog aims to shed light on the definition, causes, symptoms, and treatment options for hemiplegia, emphasizing the expertise of Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi at City Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre in Pune.

Understanding Hemiplegia

Hemiplegia is a neurological condition resulting in the loss of movement and function on one side of the body. Often caused by a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or other neurological disorders, hemiplegia can significantly impact a person’s daily life.

Causes of hemiplegia

  1. Stroke: The most common cause of hemiplegia, strokes disrupt blood flow to the brain, leading to damage and paralysis.
  2. Traumatic Brain Injury: Severe head injuries can damage the brain, causing hemiplegia.
  3. Neurological Disorders: Conditions such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, or brain tumors can contribute to hemiplegia.

Symptoms of hemiplegia

  1. Muscle Weakness: One side of the body experiences significant weakness, making it challenging to perform daily tasks.
  2. Loss of Coordination: Impaired coordination affects balance and fine motor skills.
  3. Speech and Language Difficulties: Depending on the affected side of the brain, individuals may experience difficulties in speech and language.

Treatment Options

Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi, a renowned physiotherapist at City Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre, specializes in paralysis treatment and neuro-rehabilitation in Pune. The treatment approach for hemiplegia may include:

  1. Physical therapy: tailored exercises to improve muscle strength, flexibility, and coordination.
  2. Occupational Therapy: Strategies to Regain Independence in Daily Activities.
  3. Speech Therapy: Addressing speech and language difficulties.
  4. Medication: Depending on the underlying cause, medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms.

Neuro Rehabilitation at City Physiotherapy:

Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi’s expertise in neuro-rehabilitation makes City Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre a trusted destination for those seeking specialized care. The center offers comprehensive services, focusing on individualized treatment plans to address the unique needs of hemiplegic patients.

Paraplegic Home in Pune

City Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre is not just a treatment facility but a supportive environment for individuals facing paralysis. It serves as a paraplegic center in Pune, offering a home-like atmosphere where patients receive not only medical care but emotional support to navigate the challenges associated with hemiplegia.


Hemiplegia is a complex condition that requires a multifaceted approach to treatment and rehabilitation. Dr. Suresh Suryawanshi and City Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre in Pune provide a beacon of hope for individuals dealing with hemiplegia, offering expert care, personalized treatment plans, and a compassionate environment to facilitate the journey toward recovery. If you or a loved one is seeking paralysis treatment in Pune, City Physiotherapy is dedicated to making strides together with you on the path to improved function and a better quality of life.