Sports Physiotherapy

Home Sports Physiotherapy

What is Sports Physiotherapy?

Sports Physiotherapy is the specialized branch of physiotherapy which deals with injuries and issues related to sports people.

Sports Physiotherapy is the specialized branch of physiotherapy which deals with injuries and issues related to sports people.

Sports injuries do differ from everyday injuries. Athletes normally require high-level performance and demand placed upon their body, which stresses their muscles, joints, and bones to the limit. Sports physiotherapists help athletes recover from sporting injuries, and provide education and resources to prevent problems.

These services are generally available to sportsmen and women of all ages engaged in sports at any level of competition.

Role of Physiotherapy in Sports Injury

The role of physiotherapy in the sports has expanded over the years. Sports physiotherapists provide a variety of services to support the health goals. Along with managing a wide range of injuries and health issues, they prescribe exercise programs that utilize strength and cardiovascular training. The physical assessment performed by sports physiotherapist is critical to achieving a customized exercise program. A sports physiotherapist is involved with sports persons in various settings such as in clinics, with training and touring team, and during competitions. The role and responsibility in each setting varies considerably. While the treatment of injuries and facilitating recovery from physical and psychological fatigue remains the major area of intervention, of late the value of physiotherapy in prevention of injuries is fast receiving attention. Many a time physiotherapist remains the only member of the medical team during competition and tournaments and it becomes his responsibility to identify medical emergencies and offer first aid. Therapist travelling with team has the additional responsibility of looking after the common medical and nutritional and psychological needs of the players besides maintaining the optimum arousal level.

Classification of Sports Injuries

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    • Address Lane No- 25, Near Reliance Tower, Behind Babasaheb Ambedkar Hall, Shivneri Nagar, Kondhwa, Pune, Maharashtra.
    • Phone +919822294388

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